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About Us

GunAz TV is an independent mass media organization founded in 2004 by Ahmad Obali, a political immigrant from South Azerbaijan. The TV channel is broadcast from the city of Chicago, United States of America (USA). GunAz TV is not affiliated with any group or organization; it operates on the basis of international human rights, declarations, and conventions. Article 19 of the Declaration of Human Rights, which guides the TV channel in its activities, states:

"Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression; this right includes the freedom to hold opinions without limitation and the freedom to seek, receive, and impart information and ideas through any means and regardless of national borders."

GunAz TV broadcasts various programs 24 hours a day to Europe, the Middle East, the northern part of Africa, and Central Asia through various satellites. At the same time, everyone around the world can watch GunAz TV programs online at


Fundamental values:

- Believing in human rights and democracy, and complying with obligations in this direction;

- Devotion to Moral values;

- Giving value to differences of opinion;

- Provision of free circulation of information;

- Combating racism, discrimination and inequality;

- Acting for the provision of legal equality of nations;

- Being peaceful; believing in stopping violence and resolving issues through dialogue and negotiation;


Our Vision:

GunAz TV believes that all people are equal in terms of personal and social freedom, as well as rights, and wishes for a world without discrimination, inequality and racism.



- Peaceful and cultural action against racism and discriminatory policies of the government in Iran;

- To fight against cultural genocide and language assimilation of Azerbaijani Turks and Turks living in other regions of the geography called Iran;

- Since the government of the Islamic Republic of Iran obstructs the free circulation of information in Azerbaijan and other Turkic communities with censorship, lies and pressure on the mass media, to spread fair information with the aim of educating the Turks of South Azerbaijan;

- Analyzing the process and providing information in order to develop democracy, human rights, freedom of speech and opinion in Azerbaijan and other Turkish regions in Iran.

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