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The China-Iran-Russian alliance raises concerns

2024.03.22, 14:04
The China-Iran-Russian alliance raises concerns

According to the US Central Command, the alliance of Beijing, Moscow, and Tehran is unsettling and a threat to the national interests of the nation.

General Michael Eric Kurilla further reiterated that while Washington does not plan to participate in Middle East hostilities, it will not remain silent regarding attacks on US forces.

Kurilla, the Central Command commander, made these remarks on March 21 during the House Armed Forces Committee hearing.

Despite the sanctions, Tehran sells China 90% of Iran's oil. In actuality, Iran's aggressive and malevolent acts are financed by Beijing.

The head of Central Command stated, "In general, Iran, China, and Russia are fortifying their relations and taking advantage of the circumstances created by causing panics."

In response to the senators' demands, General Kurilla stated that Biden should issue the order to attack Iranian ships because he lacked the authority to do so.



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