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Iran plans to close the border with Afghanistan and Pakistan

2024.06.24, 11:16
Iran plans to close the border with Afghanistan and Pakistan

The Iranian regime intends to close the border with Afghanistan and Pakistan by constructing a wall along the country's eastern borders.

This was announced by Amir Reza Azerian, commander of the Iranian Army's Ground Forces' north-eastern regional headquarters.

"The work to close the country's eastern borders has been accelerated, and four engineering teams from the army and four contractor companies have started building a 4-meter-high wall," Azerian said.

He stated that construction of a 297-kilometer-long wall on the Khorasan Razavi province-Afghanistan border has begun, and similar projects are underway in Sistan and Baluchestan Province.

It should be noted that Iran's previous decision to close the border was opposed by the Taliban government.

The Taliban authorities stated that the border could only be closed with both parties' consent.




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