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Imprisoned South Azerbaijani scientist goes on hunger strike

2024.06.27, 12:01
Imprisoned South Azerbaijani scientist goes on hunger strike

South Azerbaijani professor Ahmedrza Jalali, a Swedish citizen serving a death sentence in Tehran's Evin prison, has begun a hunger strike.

His wife, Vida Mehranniya, reported on this.

"My husband went on hunger strike because he believed it was the only way to express himself to the world," Vida Mehranniya said in a statement to a French news agency.

It is worth noting that Sweden and Iran exchanged prisoners on June 15. In exchange for the release of Iranian former assistant prosecutor Hamid Nouri, who was imprisoned in Sweden, two Swedish citizens imprisoned in Tehran were able to return home.

During the prisoner exchange, Professor Ahmedrza Jalali and his wife protested the lack of concern for the fate of the South Azerbaijani scientist and the failure to make efforts to secure his release.

They accused the Swedish authorities of discrimination, pointing out that their actions violated alleged human rights and democratic principles.

It should be noted that South Azerbaijani Ahmedrza Jalali, a Swedish citizen, was arrested in April 2016 while visiting Iran to attend a scientific conference at the invitation of Tehran and Shiraz universities.

In September 2017, the Tehran Revolutionary Court sentenced the Azerbaijani scientist to death on the charge of "spying for Israel," which was later confirmed by Iran's Supreme Court.




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