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National activist was sentenced to prison

2024.06.27, 14:10
National activist was sentenced to prison

Murtaza Nurmohammadi Nadarli, a cultural activist from Iran's East Azerbaijan province, has been sentenced to prison.

The Revolutionary Court of Shabister ruled that the national activist would be detained for three months and one day.

Murtaza Nurmohammedi Nadarli, who was accused of "propaganda against the government" and "insulting the leader," was previously charged with the latter and sentenced for the former.

It should be noted that in September of last year, Nurmohammadi posted on social media that she did not receive a document because she chose the Turkish name "Hunay" for her daughter.

Following that, he was detained and interrogated before being transferred to Tabriz Prison.

On November 28, 2023, the national activist was granted temporary release on bail.




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