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National activists demanded public trial

2024.06.25, 11:45
National activists demanded public trial

Four national activists stated in an e-mail sent on June 6 in the second section of Tabriz's Revolutionary Court that they would refuse to appear in court.

This was reported by "Telegram" channel operating under the name of Abbas Lisani.

In their letter to the court, Davud Shiri, Javad Ahmadzadeh, Huseyn Amani Nadarli, and Alirza Sabri requested an open court session to discuss the accusations against them.

The activists in question were accused of "propaganda against the Islamic Republic," "collusion and gathering to attack the country's internal security," and "membership in opposition groups."

It should be noted that security forces apprehended national activists on May 17, this year.

They were temporarily released on bail pending trial after one month of interrogation.




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