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"In Paris, the police attacked the headquarters of an organization opposed to the Iranian regime" - Claim

2024.06.13, 15:14
"In Paris, the police attacked the headquarters of an organization opposed to the Iranian regime" - Claim

The headquarters of the People's Mujahideen Organization, which opposes the Iranian government, was attacked by French police in Paris.

The "Tasnim" agency, which is connected to the IRGC, reported on this.

According to the report, the organization's leader, Maryam Rajavi, had a health issue and was hospitalized.

According to the People's Mujahideen Organization of Iran, the information spread was a rumor and part of the Tehran regime's baseless propaganda campaign.

"There was an attack on the headquarters and Mrs. Maryam Rajavi was transferred to the hospital. French police arrived here on the evening of June 12 to investigate the terrorist attack on the headquarters last year and conducted new investigations in accordance with the procedure," said the organization's statement.




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