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Another candidate withdrew from the Iranian election

2024.06.27, 14:35
Another candidate withdrew from the Iranian election

Another candidate who ran in Iran's 14th presidential election, Alireza Zakani, has also withdrawn his candidacy.

This is reported by the Iranian media.

Prior to that, Amir-Hossein Ghazizadeh Hashemi, Iran's vice president and a member of the conservative political group, announced that he had withdrawn his candidacy.

The conservative wing's calls and demands prompted both candidates' withdrawals.

They took this step to ensure that the Azerbaijani candidate, Masud Pezeshkian, did not win and that votes were not distributed among conservative candidates.

Currently, appeals are being made to the Speaker of the Iranian Parliament, Mohammad Baqir Ghalibaf, to withdraw his candidacy in favor of Saeed Jalili, Ali Khamenei's representative in the Supreme National Security Council.

It is worth noting that Iran will hold its 14th presidential election on June 28.




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