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A trial was held for a national activist

2024.06.27, 14:22
A trial was held for a national activist

Behzad Khudabandalu, a national activist from Goshachay (Miyandab) in West Azerbaijan province, was put on trial.

According to reports, on June 26, the Revolutionary Court of Goshachay City heard a criminal case against the national activist on charges of "propaganda against the Islamic Republic of Iran" and "spreading false information in cyberspace."

According to reports, the court verdict on Behzad Khudabandalu will be announced in the coming days.

It should be noted that Behzad Khudabandalu, who has been arrested several times for his peaceful activities, was summoned to the prosecutor's office for the final time on March 4.

The activist, who was interrogated for several hours, was granted temporary release pending trial on a $300 million bail.




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