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Iran has a deficit of $20 billion

2024.04.03, 15:32
Iran has a deficit of $20 billion

In the new statistics of the Customs Department of the Islamic Republic of Iran, it is observed that the deficit in the trade balance of Iran for 2023 exceeded 20 billion dollars.

According to the statistics of the Customs Department, despite the income from the export of oil, electricity and technical engineering services, there is a deficit of 20 billion dollars in the country's foreign trade balance.

According to the statistics, wheat, mobile phone and gold bars were the main 3 types of goods imported into the country in 2023.

Iran’s trade with the UAE, Pakistan, Russia, Oman and Afghanistan increased in 2023.

However, Iran’s trade with Türkiye, Iraq, the Republic of Azerbaijan, Turkmenistan, Armenia, Kazakhstan, Kuwait, Bahrain and Arabia decreased.

According to various reports in the media, sanctions and the difficulty of banking transactions for Iran at the international level are two of the main reasons for the country’s trade balance to be negative.

According to reports, Iran's economy will face a crisis in the coming months due to a $20 billion deficit.




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