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General Staff of the Iranian Armed Forces: There is no evidence of sabotage in the helicopter crash

2024.05.30, 12:41
General Staff of the Iranian Armed Forces: There is no evidence of sabotage in the helicopter crash

The assumption that Iran's President Ebrahim Raisi's helicopter was blown up as a result of sabotage operations is ruled out.

This is stated in the second report of the Iranian Armed Forces General Staff's investigation into the helicopter accident on May 19.

"Based on the distance between the helicopter pieces and the manner in which they were scattered, the possibility of an explosion during flight or as a result of sabotage seconds before hitting the hillside is ruled out."

On May 19, a helicopter carrying Iran's President, Ebrahim Raisi, crashed near Varzigan. The accident killed several people, including the country's president, Foreign Minister Hossein Amir Abdullahian, Governor General of East Azerbaijan province Malek Rehmati, Imam of Tabriz Muhammad Ali Hashemin, and others.

Prior to that, the General Staff issued its initial report on the accident.




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