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The condition of the imprisoned activist worsened

2024.06.20, 10:58
The condition of the imprisoned activist worsened

Tahir Naqavi, an Azerbaijani national activist and lawyer who was detained in Tehran's Evin prison and was on hunger strike, was transferred to the hospital after his condition deteriorated.

Human rights activists reported on this.

According to reports, Tahir Naqavi's condition worsened on June 19, the seventh day of the hunger strike, and he was transferred to the prison's medical center.

The national activist was taken to Tehran's Talighani Hospital after being advised to seek medical attention.

Following several hours of treatment, he was returned to prison. According to the report, despite doctors' recommendations that Naqavi be kept in the hospital due to his poor health, he refused and requested to be returned to prison to continue his hunger strike.

Tahir Naqavi, who was protesting the illegal actions of security forces and the court, began a hunger strike on June 13. Because of this, the prison guards beat him and placed him in solitary confinement.




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