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The number of cancer cases has increased in Ardabil

2025.01.21, 15:36
The number of cancer cases has increased in Ardabil

Cancer patients in Ardabil province are most commonly diagnosed with stomach, breast, prostate, and esophageal cancers.

This was reported by the representative of the Ardabil University of Medical Sciences, Said Sadiqiyeh Ahari. He said that, along with various factors, air pollution also leads to an increase in cancer cases.

It should be noted that, according to previously released statistics from the Iranian Ministry of Health, the northwestern region, particularly Ardabil province, ranks first in terms of the number of cancer patients, particularly stomach cancer.

The discharge of toxic waste into the Araz River by Armenia's Metsamor Nuclear Power Plant (NPP) and other industrial facilities contributes significantly to the spread of cancer in Ardabil province.

Some time ago, the website "The Geopolitics" published a report on the region's ecological problem, revealing details about the Armenian side's Araz River pollution.

"The plant, which provides 40% of the country's electricity, is regarded as the primary source of the river's contamination with radioactive substances," the website stated.

Meanwhile, Mohammad Hasannejad, a Marand city representative in the Iranian parliament, stated that the Araz River's ecological problems have harmed agricultural production on the river's southern bank, and cancer has spread rapidly.



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