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Arabia refused to allow Iranian planes to enter the country

2024.07.02, 11:41
Arabia refused to allow Iranian planes to enter the country

Saudi Arabia did not allow two planes belonging to Iran's "Meraj" airlines to enter the country, so the planes returned.

Iran Airlines' General Director, Shamseddin Farzadipour, issued a statement on the matter.

He stated that the planes flew to Saudi Arabia to return the pilgrims. "Saudi Arabia has banned the entry of "Meraj" planes into this country's airspace without providing any reason," Farzadipour stated.

It should be noted that the "Meraj" airline company is linked to the IRGC and transports weapons to Iran-linked proxy forces in the region.

Previously, several other countries refused to allow "Meraj" planes to enter or refuel.

The name of the aforementioned airline company is among the sanctions imposed by the West.




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