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Drug trafficker has been granted permission to build a five-star hotel in Iran

2024.11.06, 13:10
Drug trafficker has been granted permission to build a five-star hotel in Iran

Despite growing public condemnation of the Iranian government's support for international terrorist and drug trafficker Naji Sharifi Zindashti, he has been granted permission to build a five-star hotel on Band Urmia Road.

With the backing of the Iranian government, Naji Sharifi Zindashti, who is regarded as one of the key backers of the questionable initiatives aimed at altering the administrative and demographic structure of the Western Azerbaijan region of Iran, has initiated a number of initiatives in this area in recent years.

In order to conceal Zindeshti and his family's illicit activities in Iran, the hotel was granted a new permit, which is an extension of the special treatment they have received.

It should be noted that Naji Sharifi Zindashti, a smuggler of internationally wanted terrorists affiliated with Kurdish terrorist groups, carried out several political assassinations and kidnappings in Turkey for the Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps. 




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