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Palestinian President criticized Ali Khamenei

2024.06.04, 13:28
Palestinian President criticized Ali Khamenei

Mahmoud Abbas, President of Palestine, criticized Iran's leader Ali Khamenei's speech in which he supported HAMAS' attack on Israel on October 7, 2023.

This was reported by Arabic-language media.

"With this tool, you sacrifice the Palestinians, and this will not result in the establishment of an independent Palestinian state," said Mahmoud Abbas.

It should be noted that in his speech on June 3, Ali Kahmenei praised HAMAS' attack on Israel, claiming that it was important for the region.

Referring to Komeini's statements, Khamenei implicitly asked the Palestinians not to negotiate with Israel for a ceasefire in Gaza.

"Do not pay attention to the agreement discussions," Iran's leader stated.

This speech by Ali Khamenei demonstrates Iran's opposition to regional peace and stability.

While Arab countries and the civilized world are calling for peace talks, the Iranian leader's speech demonstrates Tehran's desire to escalate tensions.




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