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A media activist linked to the Iranian government was detained in France

2024.06.07, 15:04
A media activist linked to the Iranian government was detained in France

Bashir Biazar, former head of Iran Radio and Television's music editorial department, has been arrested in France.

Iranian media reported on this.

Although the French police did not reveal the reason for his arrest, Biazar is believed to have been detained for making anti-Israel statements on social media.

Iran's acting foreign minister, Ali Bagiri Kani, stated that they are keeping the issue in mind.

Kazim Gharibabadi, an Iranian judicial official, confirmed the arrest of an Iranian media representative.

He stated that Bashir Biazar was detained because he defended the Palestinians, which was a shame for France.

It should be noted that Bashir Biazar advocated for violence against Israel and Jews in his media and social media posts.




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