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The Azerbaijani prisoner was transferred to the hospital

2024.06.10, 12:31
The Azerbaijani prisoner was transferred to the hospital

Reza Shahabi, a Southern labor movement activist detained in Tehran's Evin prison and suffering from a variety of diseases, was transferred to the hospital due to his deteriorating health.

The Syndicate of Workers of Tehran and Suburbs Bus Company labor union
published a report on it.

Reza Shahabi, who had been transferred to Tehran's "Imam Khomeini" hospital under police supervision, was advised to seek medical attention due to a worsening of his lumbar disc disease.

It was reported that the Azerbaijani activist was semi-paralyzed due to the severe injuries he received when he was tortured. The doctors submitted a certificate that Shahabi was treated and operated in the hospital. 

According to the Iranian judicial system, documents relating to Shahabi's illness have been sent to the Medical Examiner, and a decision on whether he should remain in the hospital will be made after the investigations are completed.

It should be noted that the activist who was arrested on May 12, 2022, is originally from the city of Shabister, East Azerbaijan province. He was charged with "propaganda against the government" and "assembling and colluding to harm the national security of the country" and sentenced to 6 years in prison.

Reza Shahabi had previously served a six-year prison sentence for peaceful activities. He suffered severe spinal and neck injuries as a result of being beaten by officers during his arrest.




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