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South Azerbaijani activist has been transferred to Tehran prison

2024.06.14, 12:30
South Azerbaijani activist has been transferred to Tehran prison

On June 2, Mohammad Hadi Sharifinasab (son of Saraskend), a cultural activist, artist, and radio presenter arrested in Baharistan, Tehran province, was transferred to the "Greater Tehran" prison (Fashafouyeh Prison).

Sources close to the cultural activist informed GunazTV of the situation.

According to the information, Mohammad Hadi Sharifinasab was detained and tortured for more than ten days in the solitary cell of Evin prison's security unit.

He is accused of "creating a separatist and pan-Turkist group, conspiring to undermine the country's security and confuse public opinion, and beating and insulting a government official."

According to relatives of the activist and well-informed sources, the charges brought against Mohammad Hadi Sharifinasab were false, and he was punished for playing a leading role in the launch of the Urmia-Araz unity campaign, which was started in connection with Lake Urmia.




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