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The media was warned about the presidential elections in Iran

2024.06.07, 12:42
The media was warned about the presidential elections in Iran

It is a crime to post content that incites and encourages people to boycott and reduce their participation in elections, as well as to organize unauthorized protests, strikes, and sit-ins.

The "Iranian Press Control Council" issued a statement prior to the presidential election stating this.

According to the statement, serious punitive measures are planned for smear campaigns and counter-propaganda, the dissemination of false information, and the publication of materials on national and racial grounds that may spark conflict in the country.

In addition, it was stated that conducting any opinion polls and spreading forecasts regarding the presidential elections is prohibited.

Human rights organizations viewed the Iranian Press Control Council's threatening statement as yet another attack by the Tehran regime on freedom of speech and opinion.

According to them, the government intends to use this method to appoint the person it intended to be president from the start and to silence any opposition to it.




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