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There is no information about the South Azerbaijani activist detained by the security forces

2024.06.07, 15:47
There is no information about the South Azerbaijani activist detained by the security forces

There is no information about Sayyad Mohammadian (Hunter), a national-cultural activist who was arrested by Iranian security forces on May 15 in Karaj and taken to an unknown location.

The activist's family's unanswered questions about where he was detained and what he was accused of raised concerns about his condition.

It should be noted that on the morning of May 15, security officers raided Sayyad Mohammadian's (Hunter's) apartment and arrested him.

The house was searched without a court order, and the activist's computer, phone, and other belongings were seized.

Although the judicial authorities claimed that Sayyad Mohammadian had been transferred to the Ghezel Hesar penitentiary, prison officials denied it.





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