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South Azerbaijani activists protested the Iranian presidential election

2024.06.10, 12:28
South Azerbaijani activists protested the Iranian presidential election

The South Azerbaijan National Movement's activists distributed protest papers in Urmia at the same time that the names of six presidential candidates were announced.

In their protest leaflets, national activists stated that they would not participate in the authorities' presidential elections and urged Azerbaijanis to boycott them.

"We are well aware that political participation through healthy, transparent, and competitive elections is one of the most important tools of a democratic system; however, it must include rights, freedom of opinion and expression, freedom of parties and organizations, freedom of peaceful action, and freedom of the press, as well as independent courts."

National activists emphasized that the rights of ethnic groups in Iran, particularly South Azerbaijanis, are not recognized and respected, and that they will boycott the Tehran regime's election show.

It is worth noting that on June 9, Iran's Guardian Council approved the candidacy of six presidential candidates.




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