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South Azerbaijani imprisoned woman activist starts hunger strike

2024.06.14, 12:09
South Azerbaijani imprisoned woman activist starts hunger strike

Farzaneh Gharehassanlou, an Azerbaijani political prisoner who is currently detained in the Vakilabad (also known as Mashhad Central Prison) prison in Mashhad, is on a hunger strike.

Human rights organizations reported on this.

Despite her serious condition, she went on a hunger strike to protest the fact that she was denied medical examination and treatment.

According to human rights activists who spoke with sources inside the prison, Farzaneh Gharehassanlou is paralyzed on her left side. "Despite the woman prisoner's poor condition, they only give her painkillers; the prisoner's life is in danger," the report stated.

It should be noted that Farzaneh Gharehassanlou, 46, a laboratory science specialist, and her husband, Hamid Gharehassanlou, 54, a radiologist, were detained in Karaj on November 4, 2022, for taking part in the protest.

Farzaneh Gharehassanlou was sentenced to five years in prison, while her husband received a fifteen-year sentence.




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