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Two ethnic Baloch people were shot dead in Bandar Abbas

2024.06.07, 11:57
Two ethnic Baloch people were shot dead in Bandar Abbas

Two ethnic Baloch people were shot and killed by Iranian police in Bandar Abbas, Hormozgan Province.

Baloch Activists' Campaign reported on this.

Baloch people were killed because they were involved in illegal retail fuel sales.

As a result of the fire started by the police, the Baloch's car caught fire, and the passengers were burned alive.

It should be noted that, at a time when poverty and unemployment in Iran are at an all-time high, residents of Sistan and Baluchestan, the country's poorest regions, are forced to carry retail fuel to feed their families.

Every year, government officials shoot and kill dozens of ethnic Baloch people working in retail fuel sales.

According to the 2023 report, 76 ethnic Baloch people were killed and 42 injured as a result of government officials' firings during the year.




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