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An Azerbaijani Baha'i has been arrested in Iran

2024.07.16, 11:10
An Azerbaijani Baha'i has been arrested in Iran

Mujgan Salmanzadeh, an Azerbaijani activist living in Tehran, was arrested in the city of Maki, West Azerbaijan Province, Iran.

This was reported by local human rights activists.

According to reports, Salmanzadeh, a well-known researcher in the field of physiological psychology, was detained by security officers and transferred to Maki's prison after being questioned.

It is unclear what she has been accused of. It should be noted that, despite the fact that there are over 300,000 Baha'is in Iran, the religion is not officially recognized by the Iranian constitution.

According to a decision made by Iran's Supreme Council of the Cultural Revolution, those who practice the Baha'i faith are not eligible for citizenship.




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