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Iran's gasoline shortage is worsening

2024.09.27, 14:27
Iran's gasoline shortage is worsening

Several Iranian cities, including Tabriz, are experiencing gasoline shortages as well as power outages.

Tabriz's local media covered this story.

The Tabriz Oil Refinery is unable to meet the province's fuel demand, so many gas stations in the city have closed.

Nasir Rashidi, director of the National Oil Products Distribution Company of East Azerbaijan province, confirmed the information.

"The plant's gasoline production is insufficient to meet the province's daily needs. Currently, there is a daily shortage of 1.5 to 2 million liters of gasoline in East Azerbaijan," Rashidi said.

He stated that the government issued an order to supply fuel to East Azerbaijan from Isfahan, but this was not accomplished due to a lack of fuel tankers.

According to experts and political activists, the main causes of such problems are uneven development in different regions of Iran, a lack of proper planning for different regions, and insufficient investment in the energy sector in some regions.

In general, South Azerbaijan's provinces lack a comprehensive energy supply, which includes electricity, water, and natural gas.




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