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Fingers of South Azerbaijani convicts were amputated

2024.10.30, 12:07
Fingers of South Azerbaijani convicts were amputated

On October 29, two convicts accused of theft had their fingers amputated at Urmia Central Prison.

Human rights activists reported on the situation.

According to a decision issued by the Urmia Revolutionary Court, four fingers from the right hands of brothers Shahab and Mehrdad Teymuri were amputated.

Furthermore, the decision to amputate the fingers of five more convicts accused of theft is expected to be carried out.

It should be noted that Amnesty International issued a statement condemning the Iranian government's use of mutilation as a punishment in prison.

"These amputations are an especially heinous example of the Iranian government's attack on human rights and dignity. Amputation is torture carried out by court order and is considered a crime," according to the statement.




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