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Police prevent women from entering the stadium

2025.01.10, 15:42
Police prevent women from entering the stadium

Despite the fact that the Tabriz Sports Department stated that women's participation in basketball competitions was permitted, police prevented them from entering the Academic Hall.

The Tabriz City Sports and Youth Department declared on Sunday that female fans would be permitted to watch the Tabriz national league games.

But on Tuesday, January 8, when the Tabriz Municipality's basketball team played Tehran's Oqab basketball team in Tabriz's Aghdami Hall, police officers barred female spectators and media from entering.

It should be noted that Tabriz Municipality's basketball team also announced on the poster of the game that women are not prohibited from coming to the hall.

In response, Pouya Ghanbari, the head coach of the basketball team representing the Tabriz Municipality, told ISNA, "Unfortunately, even though female spectators are permitted in the hall, the security officer stated that he will not take over the security of the hall if women enter the hall."

The police claimed that the Tabriz City Sports and Youth Department did not inform them about the granting of this permit.




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