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Telecommunications workers from Tabriz staged a protest

2025.01.23, 14:44
Telecommunications workers from Tabriz staged a protest

On January 22, contract employees of the East Azerbaijan Province Communications and Telecommunications Company staged a protest.

Protesters gathered in front of the Central Telecommunications Department in Tabriz, East Azerbaijan Province.

They protested the nonpayment of wages, insurance, and other legally mandated rights. The disgruntled workers, who have been on strike for three days, claim that despite working more than regular employees for years, there is a significant disparity in their wages and benefits.

"Because we work on a contract, we have no job security and may be fired at any time. "The promises made for two years to resolve the problem and get us official jobs have not been kept," they added. They claimed that the company's management threatened them with contract termination and dismissal after they held protests demanding their rights.

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