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China provides Iran with an essential component for missile fuel

2025.01.23, 14:52
China provides Iran with an essential component for missile fuel

Two Iranian cargo vessels carrying an ingredient for missile propellant will sail from China to Iran in the next few weeks, the Financial Times reported on Wednesday, citing intelligence from security officials in two Western countries.

The reported transactions could make the Chinese entities involved subject to U.S. sanctions aimed at curbing Iran's weapons programs, as the two Iranian vessels are already under U.S. sanctions.

The FT said the Iranian-flagged ships, the Golbon and the Jairan, were expected to carry more than 1,000 tonnes of sodium perchlorate, which is used to make ammonium perchlorate, the main ingredient for solid propellant for missiles.

Ammonium perchlorate is among the chemicals controlled by the Missile Technology Export Control Regime, a voluntary international anti-proliferation body.

The FT said the officials could not say if Beijing was aware of the shipments.

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