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In Iran, government officials have received harsh prison sentences

2024.05.31, 11:44
In Iran, government officials have received harsh prison sentences

An arrest warrant has been issued for two members of the City Council, a high-ranking official of the city municipality, and another government official from Savojbolagh (Nahabad) in West Azerbaijan province.

Nasir Atabati, the province's judicial system head, made the announcement.

He stated that the individuals whose names he did not reveal were accused of corruption and embezzlement of state funds.

The prisoners were sentenced to twelve, ten, nine, and eight years in prison.
Furthermore, they were fined and flogged, and they were barred from participating in public affairs following their arrest.

According to a Transparency International report, Iran is one of the most corrupt countries.

According to the report, Iran ranks 147th out of 180 countries, with 25 points, and is regarded as one of the most corrupt.





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