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Environmental problems caused the Sungun copper mine in Iran

2024.06.03, 12:21
Environmental problems caused the Sungun copper mine in Iran

The Sungun copper mine in the Varzaqan region of East Azerbaijan, Iran, continues to cause environmental problems.

Satellite images taken over a 20-year period at the site show the destruction of forest strips surrounding the mine.

According to the information, these changes will cause numerous issues with the region's climate, crop types, and agriculture in the future.

According to reports, despite the fact that the management of the Sungun copper mine committed to planting trees on 400 hectares of land this year, a large portion of this plan has yet to be implemented.
The Garadag forests cover 164,000 hectares, with 148,000 hectares designated as protected. However, mining operators do not follow these regulations.

It should be noted that the Sungun Copper Mine in Varzigan is the Middle East's largest copper mine.

The product from the Sungun Copper Mine is transported as raw material to other parts of Iran, including Kerman province. The company that operates the mine has bank accounts in Kerman and Tehran, and as a result, money circulates in both provinces.





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