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The former vice president registers as a presidential candidate

2024.06.03, 14:17
The former vice president registers as a presidential candidate

Former Vice President of Iran, Eshaq Jahangiri, has registered to participate in the 14th presidental elections.

Jahangiri registered to run against Ebrahim Raisi in the 2021 elections, but the Guardian Council did not approve his candidacy.

The registration deadline for Iranian presidential candidates is June 3. All potential candidates must be approved by the Council of Guardians, a group of six expert lawyers and six clerics.

The Guardian Council will announce the list of approved names for the early presidential elections on June 11. It is worth noting that Hamida Zarabadi, a former member of the Iranian parliament, registered to run for president today.

She is the second woman to sign up for this tour. Conservative MP Zohra Elahian is the first woman to be registered as a candidate for the 14th presidential election.

The Council of Guardians, which evaluates candidates, has never approved a woman's candidacy for this position.





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