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European powers seek to censure Iran at UN nuclear meeting for lack of cooperation

2024.06.03, 15:10
European powers seek to censure Iran at UN nuclear meeting for lack of cooperation

According to "The Times of Israel", Britain, France and Germany will seek to censure Iran over its lack of cooperation with the UN nuclear watchdog at its board meeting on Monday despite US opposition.

According to the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), Tehran is the only non-nuclear weapon state to enrich uranium to 60 percent, while it keeps accumulating large uranium stockpiles.

That is approaching the enrichment levels of 90 percent needed for atomic weapons. It is also well above the authorized 3.67 percent used for nuclear power stations.

Iran has always denied wanting to acquire a nuclear weapon, but the rapid expansion of its nuclear program has no “credible civilian justification,” said one diplomat who asked not to be named.

It should be noted that Washington expressed its concern that such a resolution would increase the risk of increasing tension and instability in the region until the presidential elections to be held in the United States next November.







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