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South Azerbaijani activist Muhammad Ali Rezayi was summoned to court

2024.06.05, 13:45
South Azerbaijani activist Muhammad Ali Rezayi was summoned to court

Mohammad Ali Rezayi, a national activist living in Tabriz, was summoned to the second division of the Revolutionary Court of Tabriz.

Rzayi was summoned to court today via e-mail.

"A complaint has been received about your membership in the country's opposition groups and separatist organizations," according to the Revolutionary Court summons.

On May 18, 2023, he was detained by security officers alongside Muhammad Ali Rezayi, Huseyn Amani, Alirza Sabri, Javad Ahmadzadeh, and Davud Shiri.

The activist was accused of "anti-government propaganda" as well as "assembling and conspiring."

After several days of questioning, he and other activists were granted temporary bail until their trial.




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