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Milad Jalili, an artist from Tabriz, was arrested

2024.06.05, 16:43
Milad Jalili, an artist from Tabriz, was arrested

Milad Jalili (Elshan), a Tabriz rapper, was transferred to Tabriz prison earlier today.

He posted about it on his social media account before going to prison.

The South Azerbaijani rapper was accused of "propagandizing against the state structure and threatening national security."

It should be noted that the artist was arrested by security officers in Tabriz on November 28, 2023.

He was temporarily released on bail on January 29, 2024, following a lengthy interrogation.

Milad Jalili (Elshan) is being punished for his song "Biz susdugca..." (as long as we are silent...), which was widely shared on social media and featured national-cultural prisoners from the south.

In his song, the rapper lists the names of national prisoners from different regions of South Azerbaijan and condemns Azerbaijanis who are indifferent to the arrest of national-cultural activists as well as the authorities.




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