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Grossi: The death of the Iranian President delayed negotiations with the IAEA

2024.05.22, 16:37
Grossi: The death of the Iranian President delayed negotiations with the IAEA

The death of Iran's President and Foreign Minister in a helicopter crash halted negotiations between the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) and Tehran to improve cooperation.

Rafael Grossi, the IAEA's General Director, commented on it.

"They are in mourning, and I need to respect that. But once this is over, we will work again," Grossi stated.

The General Director also stated that he hoped the mourning would be over in a few days and that it was only a temporary hiatus.

Grossi mentioned that the IAEA intends to continue technical discussions with Iran. However, discussions have yet to take place following the helicopter crash that killed President Ibrahim Raisi and Foreign Minister Huseyn Amir-Abdullahian last weekend.




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