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The Orkhon script and Turkish symbols are illustrated on the streets of Tabriz

2024.03.27, 13:26
The Orkhon script and Turkish symbols are illustrated on the streets of Tabriz

Activists painted the Orkhon script and Turkish symbols on the streets of Tabriz to protest the removal of egg models with the Orkhon script and Turkish tribe symbols painted on them.

The Municipality of Tabriz displayed egg models with 24 Oghuz tribe symbols, the Orkhon script, and the symbol of Fire Tuesday during the Novruz holiday.

The Municipality was forced to remove those model eggs due to pan-Iranian propaganda directed at the Turks of South Azerbaijan.

South Azerbaijanis protested pan-Iranian circles' actions by painting eggs with the word "turks" written in the Orkhon script.


Video: illustrated Orkhon script and Turkish symbols


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