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The cultural activist is under investigation

2024.04.16, 13:22
The cultural activist is under investigation

Alireza Farshi, a well-known activist in the South Azerbaijan national movement, was investigated in the 4th Department of the Marand District Prosecutor's Office.

The activist revealed on his Instagram page that he was being investigated for "propaganda against the system of the Islamic Republic of Iran."

"The assistant prosecutor read through a large number of pages of my Instagram posts and questioned the terms I used on my Instagram account."

During the one-hour process, Alireza Farshi was asked to answer questions such as: "What is the purpose of the terms totalitarian, elimination, assimilation, national movement, drying of Lake Urmia, Pishevari, the Tajik presidents of Iran?"

According to the cultural activist, he wrote an explanation for statements like "the Urmia Lake is being dried up by the government," "calling for separatism and racism," and "Pishavari, the founder of the Azerbaijan Democratic Party" in his posts.

"Finally, the assistant prosecutor asked me to sign my statements and allowed me to leave the prosecutor's office without requiring me to submit any property documents," explained Alireza Farshi.





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