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Lake Urmia crisis continues

2024.03.28, 14:43
Lake Urmia crisis continues

Despite Iranian authorities' and the Iranian Department of Environment's claims that Lake Urmia has been revived, environmental issues remain around the lake.

This was mentioned in posts by local media activists.

Salt blown from the dry lake bed is visible in the videos taken on March 27, causing salt storms in the surrounding areas.

Local internet users mentioned the head of the Environmental Protection Organization, Ali Salajegheh, in their videos and comments, accusing him of spreading false information.

According to the most recent statistics, approximately 1 billion 500 thousand cubic meters of water have accumulated in the 1200-square-kilometer area of Lake Urmia following seasonal rainfall.

The average ecological area of the lake should be 4635 square kilometers, the minimum ecological water volume should be 15 billion cubic meters, and the maximum water volume should be 30 billion cubic meters.

It should be noted that the salt storms around Lake Urmia damaged agriculture and spread various diseases throughout the region.

Mohammad Ali Mostafavi, a former official of the Ministry of Energy of Iran, said this in a post on his social media account some time ago.

He stated that in recent years, the number of cancer patients and deaths in the villages surrounding Lake Urmia has skyrocketed.




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